Department of Accountancy


Since the beginning of economic activity that was mainly made of companies working in various commercial, industrial and services-producing activities, there was a need to know the usefulness of such activities in terms of whether or not they deliver on the core objective for which they were started. Profit is mostly the main objective that can be seen through financial accounting which turns economic activity into accounting information about the financial situation and the final outcome of activities.
Indeed, what sets accountancy apart from other sciences is the fact that it is closely related to life as wherever money exists, accountancy is also found because it serves all specializations. Indeed, everyone uses accountancy especially in everyday transactions, but of course in varying degrees and forms, each according to the amount of accuracy required from accountancy.
Studying accountancy in Libya assumes a quite special nature, due to the widening of the accounting gap between theory and practice. In the department of Accountancy- faculty of Economics- Misurata University, we look forward to provide the Libyan labour-market, that is so eager nowadays for sound accounting grounds, with highly competent-personnel in the field of accountancy.
Head of the department:
Mr. Ahmed Abu Alqasem Etreyna /
Degree provided by the department:
Bachelor of Accountancy
Higher studies degree (Master) of Accountancy
Terms of joining the department:
1. Passing at least (36) units.
2. Passing ( Accountancy Principles1) with at least a C grade.
3 Passing (Accountancy Principles2) with at least a C grade.


Creating well-qualified cadres who have professional academic knowledge in accountancy with its various fields, abiding by the pertinent professional ethics, for serving the community and contributing to its development.


The department seeks to achieve a core objective which is distinctiveness. Therefore, in order to become distinctive, we must achieve some strategic objectives including the following:
1. Developing the academic and practical abilities of students to prepare them for practicing the profession of accountancy.
2. Organizing seminars and scientific conferences to discuss the latest trends and developments regarding Accountancy and its practice.
3. Working on continuous development, as well as paying great attention to capacity-building of human resources in accordance with the Libyan and regional labour market requirements, through developing curricula and making sure to keep pace with up-to-date developments in business.


Leadership in terms of provision of educational and research services in the area of accountancy locally and regionally.

# Code Name Units Precedence
1 309 3
2 100 2
3 101 2
4 103 2
5 104 2
6 102 3
7 105 3
8 109 3
9 202 3
10 205 3
11 209 3
12 280 3
13 110 3
14 111 3
15 120 3
16 130 3
17 131 3
18 140 3
19 210 3
20 211 3
21 221 3
22 212 3
23 222 3
24 150 3
25 313 3
26 328 3 ,
27 521 3
28 227 3
29 230 3
30 318 3
31 428 3 ,
32 324 3 ,
33 435 3 ,
34 231 3
35 337 3
36 331 3
37 332 3
38 333 3
39 334 3
40 335 3
41 336 3
42 338 3
43 339 3
44 430 3
45 431 3
46 432 3
47 433 3
48 434 3
49 437 2
50 438 3 ,
51 530 3
52 531 3
53 532 3
54 533 3
55 535 3
56 537 3 ,
57 539 3
58 411 3
Ali Mohamed Alsawayeh

Ali Mohamed Alsawayeh

Ph.D. in Management Accounting
lecturer | Full-time

| Full-time

Ismail Mukhtar HASUNA

Ismail Mukhtar HASUNA

| Full-time

| Full-time

| Professor

Eman Salem Elajaili

Eman Salem Elajaili

Master Degree
lecturer | Full-time

| Full-time

| Professor

| Full-time

Ismail Salem Elshahoubi

Ismail Salem Elshahoubi

PhD in Accounting
| Full-time

| Full-time

| Full-time

| Full-time

| Full-time

| Full-time

Abubaker Ali Taher Bashagha

Abubaker Ali Taher Bashagha

| Full-time
personal photo

| Assistant
personal photo

| Assistant
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| Assistant
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| Assistant
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| Assistant
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| Assistant
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| Assistant
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| Assistant

No attchments available.

The General Department


The General department in the faculty of Economics- Misurata University was established in 2008. It is considered one of the main departments in the faculty and a fundamental pillar for studying economic sciences, through training students and preparing them for joining the various specialized scientific departments in the faculty. The scientific courses of the department are 11 courses. The General department pays great attention to promoting the abilities of students and working on the capacity building of their scientific, linguistic and practical skills. Therefore, students go through the educational program of the department and all its courses, which boosts the abilities of students and their skills, making them ready for scientific challenges and up-to-date developments.
Head of the department:
Dr. Esmail Salem Alshuhooby /


Achieving Scientific Distinctiveness in general courses, as well as training students and providing them with support regarding their various learning needs, for the purpose of achieving academic excellence in the faculty.


1. Playing a role in strengthening and developing knowledge capacities of students, as well as promoting their scientific level to make them well prepared for keeping up with academic life and the responsibilities that come along with it.
2. Guiding students and introducing them to the systems and applicable regulations of the faculty, for the purpose of integrating them within the academic framework.
3. opening up new avenues for students and promoting them through organizing symposiums, meetings, and workshops.
4. Working on continuous development and update of the materials of general courses, in addition to scaling them up and taking great care of teaching methods and the development of the educational services of the department, in conformity with contemporary changes and up-to-date scientific trends, with a view to covering the requirements of the specialized departments of the faculty.


Making a contribution to laying the foundation for creating a generation of outstanding university students in economic sciences.

# Code Name Units Precedence
1 309 3
2 100 2
3 101 2
4 103 2
5 104 2
6 102 3
7 105 3
8 109 3
9 202 3
10 205 3
11 209 3

There are no members on this department .

No attchments available.

Department of Economy


The Department of Economy is one of the main departments in the faculty of Economics and Political Sciences. It was established in 1992-1993, and it mainly aims at training technical cadres to cover the need of the community for specialized scientific cadres who are capable of building a competitive national economy and keeping it up-to-date in conformity with the contemporary changes of the world.
In Autumn semester of the academic year 2003-2004, the department of Economy opened the door for students who wanted to join Postgraduate programs to join the master degree program in Economy. Until today, the department is still giving the opportunity for new students to join the program, in implementation of the plan of the department to contribute to strengthening the research capacities of the students of the department, as well as training qualified cadres in the area of scientific research and university Education.
Academic degree awarded by the department:
Bachelor of Economy
Master's Degree in Economy
Terms of Joining the department:
1 Passing at least (36) units.
2 Passing the following courses (111, 110, 109, 105)


Professional, academic training of human resource cadres, using state-of-the-art methods, in accordance with the highest standards of quality control, aiming at playing a role in community service, with a view to furthering the well-being and economic development.


The department aims at achieving the following goals:
1. Training specialized personnel to cover the needs of state institutions and the private sector enterprises.
2. Training human cadres for purposes of scientific research, with a view to contributing to finding practical solutions for economic problems.
3. working on the development of creativity and innovation for students, in order to upgrade their capacities and improve their abilities of utilizing new ideas to make successful projects.
4. Disseminating economic knowledge, and creating a competitive environment that provides students with motivation and intencives for achieving progress and development.
5. Updating postgraduate programs, in keeping with economic developments.


To become an institute that provides a scientific environment for disseminating economic knowledge and working on its development, in furtherance of covering the needs of the community for highly qualified scientific personnel who are capable of developing the national economy.

Graduation Requirements

Students Must Passing 130 Units to Graduate

# Code Name Units Precedence
1 309 3
2 100 2
3 101 2
4 103 2
5 104 2
6 102 3
7 105 3
8 109 3
9 202 3
10 205 3
11 209 3
12 110 3
13 111 3
14 120 3
15 130 3
16 131 3
17 140 3
18 210 3
19 211 3
20 221 3
21 212 3
22 150 3
23 160 3
24 313 3
25 328 3 ,
26 342 3
27 521 3
28 230 3
29 318 3
30 428 3 ,
31 170 3
32 270 3 , ,
33 578 3 ,
34 213 3
35 219 3 , ,
36 310 3 ,
37 311 3
38 316 3
39 231 3
40 344 3 ,
41 412 3 ,
42 411 3
43 312 3 ,
44 315 3 ,
45 317 3
46 410 3 ,
47 510 3 ,
48 512 3
49 513 2
50 413 3 ,
51 414 3 ,
52 415 3 ,
53 416 3 ,
54 417 3 ,
55 418 3 ,
56 419 3 ,
57 514 3 ,

| Professor

Antisar Miftah Abdullah

Antisar Miftah Abdullah

lecturer | Full-time
Younes Altayeb Abushaiba

Younes Altayeb Abushaiba

| Full-time

| Professor

Redhaa S.kheshem

Redhaa S.kheshem

Master of Economics
assistant lecturer | Full-time

| Professor

| Professor

Mohammed abusaa

Mohammed abusaa

| Full-time
Abdallah Mohamed Eshkab

Abdallah Mohamed Eshkab

| Full-time

| Professor

| Professor

| Professor

| Professor

| Professor

| Full-time

| Full-time

personal photo

| Assistant
personal photo

| Assistant

No attchments available.

Department of Business Management


The specialization of Business Management is considered one of the most common specializations, and it is also the most in demand in the labour market. This specialization gives a wide range of management and marketing job oppurtunities, either in banks, investment projects, or entrepreneurship.
The department offers a four-year program that ends with rewarding students with the degree of Bachelor in Business Management. The program aims at training highly qualified cadres who have the capacity to develop integrated plans for the units or organizations they supervise or are in managerial positions in, as well as carrying out effective managerial control in the broad sense.
The program pays great attention to training managers who have the required capacity for doing managerial jobs, including planning, organization, guidance, and oversight, in addition to the implementation of the functions of the functional organization in the areas of finance, human resources, operations, marketing, research, and development, as well as being aware of the dimensions of the strategic relationship between the organization and its external environment.
The department of Business Management was established along with the beginning of the establishment of the faculty of Economics in the academic year 1992/1993. At that time, the faculty was a department in the faculty of Arts that was later moved to the faculty of Law and Economic Sciences at Elmergeb University until the academic year 1999/2000. Later on, the department became one of the main departments in the faculty of Economics that was founded as an independent faculty in 2000.

Head of the Department:
Miss/ Sumaya Muammar Emsallem /
Academic degree awarded by the department:
Bachelor of Business Administration.
Master of Business Administration.
Terms of Joining the department:
Passing at least (36) units.1
2 Passing the course (120) with at least a C.
3 The overall number of units required for graduation is (132) units.


Providing a wide range of programs that include: scientific research, training, and advisory services in the areas of business management in accordance with quality standards, by attracting distinctive cadres and working on continuous development, in a way that adds a competitive advantage to the output of the department.


The department looks forward to achieve the following goals:
1. Providing students with the knowledge and skills they need in the field of business management and its field application.
2. Contributing to the support of organizations with opinions and theoretical ideas that play a role in giving them a competitive advantage.
3. Promoting a supportive, motivating, environment for distinctive, highly qualified personnel, aiming at strengthening the capacities and skills of the academic staff in compliance with quality standards.
4. Developing administrative theories and ideas using the characteristics of the local environment, thereby helping to bridge the gap between theory and practice in the Libyan context.
5. Establishing a center of excellence with a cadre of academics specializing in the area of training and administrative consultancy, with a view to making a contribution to sustainable development of the community.


To be a privileged powerful academic institution that provides the community with educational programs that strengthen the capacities and skills of students and boost their knowledge about the specialization, aiming at utilizing human resources and working on leadership development, in addition to building up competitive advantages for business organizations, with a view to making a contribution to meeting the aspirations of the community.

Graduation Requirements

Students Must Passing 130 Units to Graduate

# Code Name Units Precedence
1 309 3
2 100 2
3 101 2
4 103 2
5 104 2
6 102 3
7 105 3
8 109 3
9 202 3
10 205 3
11 209 3
12 180 3
13 110 3
14 111 3
15 120 3
16 130 3
17 131 3
18 140 3
19 210 3
20 211 3
21 221 3
22 212 3
23 222 3
24 150 3
25 160 3
26 225 3
27 313 3
28 326 3
29 328 3 ,
30 521 3
31 265 3 ,
32 227 3
33 230 3
34 321 3
35 425 3 ,
36 428 3 ,
37 324 3 ,
38 421 3 ,
39 231 3
40 412 3 ,
41 333 3
42 223 3 ,
43 322 3 , ,
44 329 3
45 420 3
46 423 3 ,
47 429 2
48 422 3
49 522 3 , ,
50 524 3 ,
51 525 3
52 527 3 ,
53 529 3
Mokhtar  Mohamed  Smiw

Mokhtar Mohamed Smiw

Management and Organization.
Assistant Professor. | Full-time
abobaker hassan ali shrksi

abobaker hassan ali shrksi

| Full-time
Balgasm Ali  Almasrati

Balgasm Ali Almasrati

| Full-time
Mohamed Alhadi Mohamed Khalil

Mohamed Alhadi Mohamed Khalil

PhD in Management and Organization
Assistant Professor | Full-time

| Professor

| Professor

Taha Ahmed Elhadi Eljahimi

Taha Ahmed Elhadi Eljahimi

Master of Business Administration
lecturer | Full-time
Abdalla Mohammed el-Sheikh

Abdalla Mohammed el-Sheikh

Associate Professor | Full-time
Abdulaziz Elwalda

Abdulaziz Elwalda

Associate Professor | Full-time
Huda Ali Muhammad bin Nasr  Baayou

Huda Ali Muhammad bin Nasr Baayou

Master of Management and Organization
assistant lecturer | Full-time


MSc Management
| Full-time
Nabil M. Eljaaidi

Nabil M. Eljaaidi

PhD in Management
Associate Professor | Full-time
personal photo

| Assistant
personal photo

| Assistant
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| Assistant

No attchments available.

Department of Finance and Banking


Finance is a science that studies methods for allocation of funds and financial administration for business entities, institutions and individuals in an ever-changing, complex and uncertain business environment. In the department of Finance and Banking, students will go through the process of studying the areas of corporate and business finance, as well as a wide range of sub-disciplines such as investment, financial markets, Islamic finance, banking operations, and risk management. Also, students will be provided with the knowledge necessary for dealing with macroeconomic conditions and market circumstances for strengthening their capacities at making financial decisions. Overall, students will get familiar with the language, and instruments used by chief financial officers (CFO's).
According to the Decree of the General People's Committee of October 7 University (Misurata University now), the department of Finance and Banking was founded. Starting from the academic year 2006/2007 until 2013, the department provided a program that awards students with a Bachelor degree in Finance and Banking. Later in 2014, the department started the bachelor of Finance and Investment program that is still available until today. In addition, the department organized the First Finance and Investment Forum for the year 2014, as well as various workshops concerning contemporary topics in the areas of financial sciences.

Head of the department:
Mr. Esam Omar Hussein Aljamal/
Academic degree awarded by the department:
Bachelor of Finance and Banking.
Terms of Joining the department:
1 Passing at least (36) units.
2 Passing the course (Principles of Finance and Investment- 140) with at least a C, and a percentage no less than 65%.


We look forward to provide the community with distinctive educational programs in the field of financial and banking sciences, and seek to achieve academic excellence in scientific research, for training specialized cadres who are capable of utilizing modern technology and competent enough to cover the need of both the local and regional labour markets and meet their aspirations.


The Department looks forward for achieving the following goals:
1. Enhancing scientific output in the areas of financial sciences.
2. achieving distinctiveness in education through attaining local and international quality standards in the various areas of financial sciences.
3. Organizing meetings, workshops, and scientific conferences, in such a manner that finance and sustainable development issues reinforce one another.
4. Training cadres and specialist leadership competencies who are capable of dealing with financial data and modern technologies and utilizing them in rationalizing financial decisions.


To be a privileged powerful academic institution at both the local and regional levels through educational and research programs in the areas of financial and banking sciences, in accordance with the highest standards of quality control to make a contribution to sustainable development of the community.

Graduation Requirements

Students Must Passing 130 Units to Graduate

# Code Name Units Precedence
1 309 3
2 100 2
3 101 2
4 103 2
5 104 2
6 102 3
7 105 3
8 109 3
9 202 3
10 205 3
11 209 3
12 180 3
13 110 3
14 111 3
15 120 3
16 130 3
17 131 3
18 140 3
19 210 3
20 211 3
21 212 3
22 150 3
23 313 3
24 328 3 ,
25 342 3
26 521 3
27 318 3
28 428 3 ,
29 213 3
30 421 3 ,
31 240 3
32 243 3
33 231 3
34 241 2
35 244 3
36 245 3 ,
37 340 3
38 342 3
39 343 3 ,
40 344 3 ,
41 347 3
42 348 3
43 440 3 , ,
44 441 3
45 443 3
46 445 3 ,
47 541 3
48 543 3
49 544 2
50 412 3 ,
51 341 3
52 448 3 ,
53 540 3
54 337 3

| Professor

Mohamed Eltaher Alhashmy Abulgasem

Mohamed Eltaher Alhashmy Abulgasem

| Full-time
Mohamed Ali Elshaafi

Mohamed Ali Elshaafi

Master of Islamic Banking Finance and Managment
Lecturer | Full-time
Osama Emhemed Salem Eljamel

Osama Emhemed Salem Eljamel

Master degree
| Full-time

| Professor

| Full-time

| Full-time

| Full-time

| Full-time

| Professor

personal photo

| Assistant
personal photo

| Assistant
personal photo

| Assistant
personal photo

| Assistant

No attchments available.

Department of Public Administration


General Administration is considered one of the most important specializations at the level of Libyan, Arabic and world universities. This specialization deals with everything related to state institutions
Within local and central administration.
The center of attention of the specialization is working on the promotion of state institutions that aim at achieving the common good, such as ministries, public authorities and their branches and governmental organizations. In 2004, the department of General Administration was founded as an independent department in the faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, becoming one of the first scientific departments in the specialization at the level of Libya. The department admits general high school graduates- the scientific department.

Head of the department:
Mr. Khaled Alsadig Alseraity

Academic degree awarded by the department:
Bachelor in general administration

Requirements for joining the department:
1 Passing at least 36 units.
2 Passing the course (General Administration- 160) with at least a C.


Providing distinguished educational programs, for training specialist leadership cadres that have the knowledge, skills and moral values necessary for covering the needs of public institutions, and the labour market according to the highest standards of quality control.


The department aims at achieving various goals including:
1 Building local and regional community partnerships that contribute to the promotion of public institutions.
2 Providing advisory services concerning the governance of public institutions and their development.
3 Conducting research and studies to support decision makers and contribute to solving problems in public institutions.
4 Training distinctive graduates who have modern knowledge and practical skills in the field of general administration
5 Training graduates that are capable of keeping pace with changes and recent developments in administrative work in public institutions


Achieving scientific and academic distinctiveness in the field of general administration, in accordance with the highest standards of quality control, and becoming an influential dynamic partner in sustainable development locally and regionally, with a view to promoting the community and its institutions.

Graduation Requirements

Students Must Passing 130 Units to Graduate

# Code Name Units Precedence
1 309 3
2 100 2
3 101 2
4 103 2
5 104 2
6 102 3
7 105 3
8 109 3
9 202 3
10 205 3
11 209 3
12 180 3
13 110 3
14 111 3
15 120 3
16 130 3
17 131 3
18 140 3
19 210 3
20 211 3
21 221 3
22 222 3
23 150 3
24 160 3
25 225 3
26 313 3
27 326 3
28 328 3 ,
29 521 3
30 261 3 ,
31 262 3 ,
32 263 3 ,
33 265 3 ,
34 266 3 ,
35 362 2 , ,
36 364 3
37 366 3
38 367 3
39 460 3 , ,
40 462 3
41 464 3
42 465 2
43 466 3 ,
44 467 3 , ,
45 469 2
46 227 3
47 230 3
48 321 3
49 425 3 ,
50 267 3 ,
51 461 3
52 318 3
53 428 3 ,
54 324 3 ,
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| Assistant
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| Assistant
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| Assistant
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| Assistant
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| Assistant
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| Assistant

No attchments available.

Department of International Trade


The department of International Trade is one of the main departments in the faculty of Economics and Political Sciences. It was founded in the academic year 2007, aiming at training technical cadres who cover the need of the community for specialized scientific competencies that are capable of developing the national economy. In addition, the department pays great attention to training highly-competent personnel in the field of scientific research and university education.
Head of the department:
Mr. Mohammed Khaleel Baitalmal

Academic degree awarded by the department:
Bachelor in international trade
A master degree in Economy can be obtained after doing some catch-up courses.

Terms for joining the department:
1 Passing at least (36) units.
2 Passing the course (111).
3 Passing the course (170).


Training human cadres scientifically and academically using state-of-the-art methods and innovative ideas and mechanisms according to quality standards to make them capable of serving the community, contributing to its development, and most importantly for achieving economic development.


The department aims at achieving a set of goals including the following:
1 Spreading trade knowledge, and creating a competitive environment that gives and incentives for development and promotion.
2 Training specialized human cadres that are capable of working in state institutions and private sector enterprise as well.
3 Training human cadres for scientific research purposes, with a view to contributing to finding practical solutions to commercial (trade-related problems) problems.
4 Working on the development of innovation and creativity for students of the department to enable them of transforming new ideas into successful projects.


Contributing to the establishment of a distinctive academic community that is influential at the local and regional levels using educational and research programs in international trade, in accordance with quality standards, in a way that contributes to achieving sustainable development and stabilization of the economy, as well as stimulating international trade.

# Code Name Units Precedence
1 309 3
2 100 2
3 101 2
4 103 2
5 104 2
6 102 3
7 105 3
8 109 3
9 202 3
10 205 3
11 209 3
12 110 3
13 111 3
14 120 3
15 130 3
16 131 3
17 140 3
18 210 3
19 211 3
20 221 3
21 212 3
22 150 3
23 313 3
24 328 3 ,
25 521 3
26 230 3
27 318 3
28 428 3 ,
29 170 3
30 270 3 , ,
31 370 3
32 371 3
33 372 3 ,
34 373 3
35 472 3
36 475 3 ,
37 476 3
38 477 3
39 478 3
40 573 2
41 574 3
42 578 3 ,
43 579 3 ,
44 213 3
45 219 3 , ,
46 310 3 ,
47 311 3
48 470 3
49 571 3
50 572 3 ,
51 316 3
52 421 3 ,
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| Assistant
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| Assistant
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| Assistant
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| Assistant

No attchments available.

Department of Marketing


Marketing is considered a set of procedures or actions that aim at knowing what customers actually need and working on covering those needs. Therefore, it is the basis of organizations and their development. The department of Marketing was recently founded, compared to the other departments of the faculty, as the founding resolution of the faculty was released in 2010 in the faculty of Economics and political Sciences- Misurata University. The department awards students who covered the graduation requirements with a bachelor in Marketing.

Head of the Department:
Mr. Almahadi Almabrouk Alghutayt

Academic degree awarded by the department:
Bachelor in Marketing

Requirements of joining the department:
1 Passing at least 36 units.
2 Passing the course (180).


We work assiduously to spread the culture of modern marketing, training specialized human cadres by providing them with the necessary practical knowledge that enables them to work in the field of marketing, and conducting research studies in order to promote the work of organizations with a view to achieving development and prosperity for the community.


The department aims at achieving the following goals:
1 Providing assistance to productive and service organizations in relation to their marketing problems, through conducting research and applied studies.
2 Training well-qualified human cadres who are capable of practicing the art of Marketing successfully in order to promote organizations in the area of customer service.
3 Organizing training sessions in the field of marketing to contribute to enhancing the skills and capabilities of people working in marketing jobs in productive and service organizations.
4 Making a connection between theory and practice in Marketing through organizing field visits to productive and service organizations.
5 Organizing symposia, scientific workshops, and panel discussions in the field of marketing, with a view to sharing experience and giving everyone the opportunity of having access to recent developments in the field of marketing.


We work assiduously for a culture of modern marketing, and training specialized human cadres in a way that makes them well-prepared to practice the science and art of marketing, as well as conducting research, in order to enhance the work of organizations, with a view to achieve the promotion and prosperity of the community.

Graduation Requirements

Students Must Passing 130 Units to Graduate

# Code Name Units Precedence
1 309 3
2 100 2
3 101 2
4 103 2
5 104 2
6 102 3
7 105 3
8 109 3
9 202 3
10 205 3
11 209 3
12 180 3
13 181 3
14 280 3
15 281 3
16 282 3
17 283 3
18 284 3 ,
19 380 3
20 381 3
21 382 3
22 383 3
23 480 3 , ,
24 481 3
25 482 3
26 483 2
27 580 3 ,
28 581 3 ,
29 110 3
30 111 3
31 120 3
32 130 3
33 131 3
34 140 3
35 210 3
36 211 3
37 221 3
38 212 3
39 222 3
40 582 3
41 583 3
42 584 3
43 585 3 ,
44 586 3
45 150 3
46 160 3
47 225 3
48 313 3
49 326 3
50 328 3 ,
51 342 3
52 521 3
personal photo

| Assistant
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| Assistant
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| Assistant

No attchments available.

Department of Political Sciences


The department of Political Sciences is one of the main departments in the faculty of Economics. It aims at training academic political cadres who take the responsibility of raising political awareness and providing the community with basic necessary political knowledge, as well as training academic specialists who can promote the advancement of the state and its people.
The department of Political Sciences was established in the academic year 2006, and it is working on keeping up with up-to-date developments at various fields. Accordingly, the department, when necessary, works on adding modern curricula, such as the course of political sciences and modern political systems which may affect them academically if they decide to pursue higher studies or at the practical side when they start working. Also, concerning working on up-to-date developments, adjustments of courses are made, so that they get as close to the practical reality as possible. Examples of this are the adjustments made to some courses in order to adapt them to the needs of internal and external political developments. Additionally, there are some proposals for adding new courses of great significance, such as political marketing. Thus, that's the way politics has always worked, being continuously renewable and keeping up with modern world developments. Therefore, in the department of Political Sciences, we aim at training distinctive students who are capable of providing the community with high quality services in their field of specialization. In cooperation with the administration of the faculty and its departments, we look forward to work according to the overall quality system to receive institutional accreditation. In addition, we seek to conduct conferences, symposiums, and scientific meetings and encouraging staff members and researchers to propose solutions to financial and accounting problems and work on continuous development of the department and the whole university.

Head of the Department:
Khereiya Mohammed Aldegheily

Degree awarded by the department:
a Bachelor of political Sciences.

Conditions of joining the department:
1 Passing at least (20) units.
2 Passing the course (Principles of Political Science_150) with no less than 65%.


Providing academic programs that include education, scientific research, and training in the field of politics, and working on keeping pace with international developments, strategic issues, and international policies. In addition, the department seeks to build Stronger links with the various civil society institutions in order to raise the awareness of citizens regarding the importance of their role in political participation, with a view to ensure a democratic system and establishing a civil state under the rule of law.


The department of political Science is doing its best to achieve the following goals:
1 Conducting research, studies and providing advisory services for public policy makers.
2 Bridging the gap between reality and practice by conducting symposiums, panel discussions, and workshops, in addition to working on continuous development of the curricula
3 Working on political character building and promoting their academic, scientific research capacities , and their practical analytical ones.
4 Training human resource cadres who contribute to proposing suitable solutions to issues successfully, and play a role to the elimination of hotbeds of tension in the political scene at all levels.
5 Building further the intellectual, methodological and scientific capacities of students in research and political analysis, in order to make them capable of dealing with current and future political issues.
6 Training distinctive specialized cadres who are highly competent so that they form the foundation upon which the plans of political development are constructed, and also for the purpose of utilizing their knowledge to hold positions of political leadership.
7 Scientific cooperation with the various national and regional state institutions, through exchange visits, attending conferences and symposiums on current and future political issues.
8 Training specialized human cadres that are capable of working in the state institutions with a view to achieving development and contributing to the promotion of the community and the state. Additionallly, such training is aimed at creating cadres wo are competent enough to spread political knowledge and establish a competitive environment that provides incentives and motivation for development and promotion.


Creating an academic environment that spreads political knowledge and focuses on its development, in accordance with the standards of quality and sustainable development, as well as training political cadres who are capable of founding sound policies in a democratic system and under the rule of law, in order to uplift the community and move it up to the highest levels possible of promotion and advancement.

# Code Name Units Precedence
1 309 3
2 100 2
3 101 2
4 103 2
5 104 2
6 102 3
7 105 3
8 202 3
9 205 3
10 110 3
11 111 3
12 120 3
13 130 3
14 131 3
15 222 3
16 150 3
17 160 3
18 521 3
19 261 3 ,
20 266 3 ,
21 152 3
22 153 3
23 156 3
24 159 3
25 250 3
26 251 3
27 256 3
28 257 3
29 258 3
30 351 3
31 352 3
32 353 3
33 354 3
34 355 3
35 356 3
36 357 3
37 358 3
38 359 3
39 450 3
40 451 3
41 453 3
42 455 3
43 456 3
44 459 3
45 550 3
46 559 2
47 255 3
48 350 3
49 454 3
50 552 3
51 554 3
52 555 3 ,
53 557 3
54 558 3
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Accounting Department - English Path

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